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Frequently Asked Questions

Why should I use FreeClassifiedAds.Online?

No buying or selling fees.

It`s FREE!  No registration needed. 

Friendly interface, easy and fast to post. 

No limit to the number of ads you can place. 

Renew & edit your ads freely. 

No waiting, ads go live immediately after email confirmation.

Full 30 days free classified listings. Localized to your neighbourhood by selecting the city / region.


How Do I Place An Ad?

It's simple, just click on the POST button, select the appropriate category for your ad and fill in the listing form. Add a website link and images. Choose the option of email address to be visible or not. FreeClassifiedAds.Online requires a valid email address, as we will send you a validation email right away for each ad posted. Review our 'Terms of Use' then click 'Accept' if you agree.  Click the Submit button. After successful submission of your ad, we will send you an email for validation. Go to your email folder, find the email we sent you, click the validation link. Your ad will be activated immediately and posted on our site. Keep the validation email as it allows you to modify/edit, delete and renew your ad before the expiry date.


Will I receive spam emails?

No, FreeClassifiedAds.Online uses a secure private email system, so the email address that you provide us will NOT be displayed in the ad online, unless you want to include it in your ad description which we do not advise.

Our secure, automated system handles all messages when posting, registering an account and contacting a poster.


How long will my ads remain on FreeClassifieds.Store?

Your new ads will remain on our home page for a few hours or a few days depending on the volume of new ads submitted. All ads remain on our site for free for 30 days unless you delete the ads yourself.


How many classified ads can I post?

You can post as many different classified ads as you wish but please do not submit duplicate ads.


How do I contact someone who has posted a classified ad or buy something I see in a classified ad?

You need to contact the poster directly by using the 'Send a message' button on the classified ad page. We are unable to contact the advertisers on your behalf.


Can I add photos to my classified ad?

Absolutely, on the Post Ad page, use the 'Browse' button in the Pictures section, browse to the location of your img file on your computer, select the image files you want to include and upload them. You can upload up to 5 images with our free ads.


Can I include a web page link in my classified ads?

You sure can, add your website URL in 'Website' field of the Post Ad page, use the format: https://yoursite.com


Can I change edit or delete my ads once I have submitted it?

Yes. Check your validation email we sent you after you post the ad. There are links in that email which allow you to edit and modify your ads anytime, this includes text & images. Or you can delete your ads yourself.


What order are the ads displayed?

The most recent ads are displayed first.

Still have questions? contact us