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Storefront Help

Congratulations on your new Storefront! We have set up this page to provide you with some helpful information to get your Storefront set up and ready for use. Your Storefront provides an excellent means for you to highlight your active listings and draw more customer attention. Your basic Storefront features and capabilities include:

  • Upload your Logo
  • Select a Pre-Made Theme to match your Logo
  • Create your own Storefront Categories
  • Create your own "Additional Pages" to use for About Us, Contact Us, etc.
  • Send a Newsletter to subscribers of your StoreFront
  • Track visitor counts through Storefront Statistics

Step 1: Familiarization with your Storefront Control Panel

Login to our site and access the Storefront Control Panel in your My Account pages. The main page displays visitor statistics to your Storefront and also allows you to turn your Storefront "on" and "off." You can preview your Storefront as you make changes. If your Storefront is set to "off," only you will be able to view it. You will also see a Control Menu which is the primary means for you to manage your Storefront. Now, let's get started!

Step 2: Customize

The Customize page allows you to upload your logo which will be displayed in the header of your Storefront. So, upload your logo if you have one. If not, the system will place a temporary logo until you have one. Preview your Storefront to verify that your logo is displaying properly. You can also adjust the height and width if you like. Although we have already optimized the page to display your logo correctly within the template. You can also add a Storefront Name, such as your business name, or business slogan. Next, you can add a Welcome Note which is a short message that you can display at the top of each Storefront page. Lastly, select your theme. We have provided you several options to choose from to help you customize your site a little further.

Step 3: Categories & Pages

This page allows you to create the basic browsing pages and categories of your Storefront. The Home Category Name will take your customers to the home page of your Storefront when clicked. Next, set up your Storefront categories. Your Storefront will only display the categories you set up here. Add only categories and subcategories to your Storefront that you plan to use when you place your listings. Once all of your categories are set up, you will see them as an additional selection during the normal listing process on our site. Lastly, add the Storefront Pages you wish to display. Storefront pages can be used to tell your customers a little more about yourself and your products and services.

Step 4: Newsletter

This page allows you to turn on the Newsletter function. This allows site visitors to sign up as a newsletter subscriber to your Storefront. They will submit their email address to your list and you can then use the form to send out a newsletter to your subscribers.